Fawn Gilmore Kraut, CPCC

Women’s Relationship Empowerment Coach

Setting Yourself Free From Religious Bullshit

And Reclaiming Your Power

A 7-week group course for the spiritually frustrated.

Are You One Of Us?

We grew up in religious communities

Evangelical, Fundamentalist, or Main-Line Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, Hindu, or some version of New Age spirituality.
We found beauty, meaning, purpose, and connection with the Divine in our faith and in our religious community.
At the same time, we found ourselves feeling more and more stifled under a never-ending web of rules, expectations, fears, and frustrations.​

Nowhere is this more apparent than in our closest relationships.

Has Religion Become a Cage?

Do any of these sound familiar?

Ask Yourself

What were the rules of your childhood?

Who created these rules?

Did you believe they were from God?

Who wrote them?


Who benefited?

Have they set you free or kept you caged?

How have they impacted your relationships in adulthood?

Are you curious? Are you brave?

“You shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you FREE.”


Are You Ready to Let Go?

For some of us, it’s not until our hopes and dreams are dashed, our relationships are shattered or stagnant, and our faith is either rocked or destroyed, that we begin to unpack, bit by bit, the assumptions we’ve been living under that have led us down destructive pathways and away from our true heart’s desire and calling.


…to your transformation. This is an opportunity for you to examine with compassion, humor, and honesty, your own story – and the conscious and unconscious dogma that wrote that story. When you see it you can transform it. You can reclaim your authentic self, take back your power, and create authentic, liberated relationships with the people that matter most to you, and stand for the future you long to create.

This isn’t about destroying your faith. It’s about reclaiming its power and realigning yourself with the core Truth of who you are meant to be in the world.

What You'll Achieve

What to Expect

Weekly reflections in video and written format

Be inspired, encouraged, challenged, and guided on your own quest toward freedom. We’re in this together. Fawn will share with you her own journey toward freedom, as well as wisdom from teachers and others who are in the process of deconstructing and reconstructing their faith to be more authentic, empowering, liberating, and loving.

Weekly journaling and video prompts on MarcoPolo

In this group, you will be given specific exercises and opportunities to engage each other on video. Please set aside 15min daily for this. There will be rules and parameters that you set when we begin to facilitate honesty, exploration, transformation, freedom, vision, & sacred connection.

Wednesdays 3: PM Pacific/6:00 Eastern (75 min) on Zoom

Unpack your discoveries and experiences from the week. Receive support, courage, coaching, guidance, and camaraderie. Brainstorm and activate your vision. What is becoming possible? What are you ready to let go of? What feedback are you seeking? This is the workshop. You bring your story, your doubts, your fears, and your desires, and we support you in your transformation.

If you were brought up with religious dogma that you now experience to be disempowering, then it’s time to take a nuanced look at the impact that man-made religion has placed on your identity, and begin the process of healing and restoration of your deepest truth. My 7-week workshop provides a nurturing, healing, and trauma-informed environment where you can discover your unique path without shame and judgment. Healing is possible. Please schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation to see if this course is right for you and how I can best support you.

Man holding hands with woman on a table

Next course starting soon. Contact me to get on the waitlist.

Next Course Begins

April 28, 2021

Wednesdays @ 3:00-4:30 PST


Read this...

This program is not for the faint of heart. It will require courage, patience, grace, and raw honesty. Your defenses will be challenged. Your “proof texts” may be questioned. You will be asked to hold the space for others who are NOT LIKE YOU. There will be no evangelizing, converting, preaching, correcting, saving, or fixing. Only listening and truth-telling.

and this...

People of all races, gender identities, sexual orientations, religions, denominations, and political affiliations are welcomed and encouraged to participate. If you have a problem with that, then consider this an opportunity to examine your own unconscious biases and religious incongruities.

What People Say

"One hour with Fawn was like seven years of therapy!"
"It feels so good to take back my power!"
"I'm so glad I joined this group. I appreciate what everyone is saying and I so resonate with all of it."

Yes, I want to join the class

Sign me up!

Headshot of Fawn

Hi, I'm Fawn

Women's Relationship Empowerment Coach

I have been helping women transform their hearts and prepare for healthy love for nearly a decade. As a certified professional co-active coach, I help guide you to know yourself, own your life, and surrender to divine love. I’ve coached hundreds of women who have gone on to create deep, authentic, lasting love. I have a background in education, corporate administration, and international missions. I created this course out of my own process of setting myself free from the religious BS that kept me single and spinning in circles for twenty years. I never ask my clients to go where I have not gone before. I live in Santa Rosa, California, with my husband Steve and our Golden Retriever Wallace.

Copyright © 2020-2025 ViragoLove and Fawn Gilmore Kraut · All rights reserved

Fawn Gilmore Kraut, CPCC

Women’s Relationship Empowerment Coach