Start with a consultation. Then, together, we’ll decide next steps.
Here is what most of my clients have done:
A 6-month one-on-one program
A 7-week group course for the spiritually frustrated.
Be inspired, encouraged, challenged, and guided on your own quest toward freedom. We’re in this together. Fawn will share with you her own journey toward freedom, as well as wisdom from teachers and others who are in the process of deconstructing and reconstructing their faith to be more authentic, empowering, liberating, and loving.
In this group, you will be given specific exercises and opportunities to engage each other on video. Please set aside 15min daily for this. There will be rules and parameters that you set when we begin to facilitate honesty, exploration, transformation, freedom, vision, & sacred connection.
Unpack your discoveries and experiences from the week. Receive support, courage, coaching, guidance, and camaraderie. Brainstorm and activate your vision. What is becoming possible? What are you ready to let go of? What feedback are you seeking? This is the workshop. You bring your story, your doubts, your fears, and your desires, and we support you in your transformation.
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